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Siemens Industry Software
Interleuvenlaan 68, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Telephone: +32 494495797
e-mail: jacques.cuenca(at)
Work experience
Current position
2014/12-present: Siemens Industry Software - Leuven, Belgium.
Senior Research Engineer - acoustics and vibration.
Post-doctoral fellowships (2010 - 2014)
LMS International - Leuven, Belgium.
Modelling of the uncertain vibrations of structures with spatially-extended random excitation
Supervisor: Bart Peeters.
Financial support: European Comission (Marie Curie actions).
Project: Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnership "STADYWICO" (
Institute for Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton - Southampton, United Kingdom.
Vibrations of uncertain structures.
Supervisor: Brian Mace.
Financial support: European Comission (Marie Curie actions).
Project: Marie Curie Research Training Network "Mid-frequency" (
Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for sound and vibration research, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Stockholm, Sweden.
Modelling and characterisation of anisotropic open-cell foams.
Supervisor: Peter Göransson.
Financial support: European Comission (Marie Curie actions).
Project: Marie Curie Research Training Network "Smart Structures" (
+ Teaching at KTH: lectures on signal analysis, MSc Sound and Vibration.
PhD (2006 - 2009)
2006/10-2009/10: Université du Maine, Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine (LAUM) - Le Mans, France. Wave models for the flexural vibrations of thin plates: Model of the vibrations of polygonal plates by the image source method, Vibration damping using the acoustic black hole effect (PDF). Supervisors: François Gautier and Laurent Simon. Financial support: French Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
+ Teaching assistant at Université du Maine: vibrations, signal processing and acoustics, BSc and MSc Acoustics and Vibrations (faculty of sciences school of engineering).
Internships and training (2002 - 2006)
2006/2-7: Acoustics Laboratory, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) - Paris, France. MSc internship (6 months). Subject: Boundary conditions of the piano strings. Supervisor: René Caussé.
2005/4-6: Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine (LAUM), Le Mans, France. MSc training project (3 months). Subject: Study of the string-finger interaction in the harp. Supervisors: Joël Gilbert and François Gautier.
2003/3-7: Acoustics Laboratory, CNAM - Paris, France BSc training project (4 months). Subject: Calibration of a microphone array for acoustic imaging. Supervisor: Manuel Melon.
Funding and grants
Individual grants
2019: Grant for a short-term scientific mission (2-week visit to UEF Kuopio, Finland), European Commission - COST action CA15125.
2018: Grant for a short-term scientific mission (3-week visit to KTH Stockholm, Sweden), European Commission - COST action CA15125.
2011: Prix Rocard of the Acoustical Society of France, early career prize for achievements in acoustics.
2005: Masters degree grant for academic excellence, CROUS Le Mans, France.
Research fellowships
2012: Marie Curie fellowship for post-doctoral research. EU FP7 IAPP, Grant Agreement 251309.
2011: Marie Curie fellowship for post-doctoral research. EU FP7 ITN, Grant Agreement 214909.
2010: Marie Curie fellowship for post-doctoral research. EU FP6 RTN, Grant Agreement 035559.
2006: PhD fellowship. French Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
Funded projects
2020-2023: BeQuiet: Belgian consortium for quiet transmissions. VLAIO (Flanders innovation agency) project. 3 years.
2019-2021: ADIFAN: Advanced direct field acoustic noise. ESA contract 4000127640/19/NL/GCG/vr. 2 years.
2019-2021: CASTLE: Cabin systems design toward passenger wellbeing. Clean Sky 2 - GA 945521. 2 years.
2018-2021: DETECT-ION. Model-supported non-destructive testing for the detection of defects in lightweight structures: an industrial solution. VLAIO (Flanders innovation agency) ICON project. 3 years.
2017-2021: PBNv2. Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles. European Commission H2020 research and innovation programme - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Grant agreement 721615. 4 years.
2017-2021: Acoutect. European Commission H2020 research and innovation programme - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Grant agreement 721536. 4 years.
2016-2020: DENORMS COST action CA15125 - European Commission ( 4 years.
2015-2018: TUMULT: Turbulent flow noise modeling for under- and upper-body load and transmission analysis}. VLAIO (Flanders innovation agency) project no. 150066. 3 years.
2015-2018: VIBMON: Cost-effective vibroacoustic monitoring. Flanders Make ICON project. 3 years.
2014-2018: INSITER: Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components. European Commission H2020 Research and Innovation Actions - Grant agreement 636063. 4 years
Student supervision
PhD theses
2022 (exp.) - Mansour Alkmim. Acoustic characterisation of ground surfaces and pass-by noise binaural synthesis. Siemens Industry Software, KU Leuven. Co-advisor with Laurent De Ryck (Siemens) and Wim Desmet (KUL).
2021 (exp.) - Yue Li. Fast boundary element method for in-situ acoustic material characterisation. Siemens Industry Software, KU Leuven. Co-advisor with Onur Atak (Siemens) and Wim Desmet (KUL).
2020 - Luca Manzari. Characterisation of anisotropic poroelastic media. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Co-advisor with Peter Göransson (KTH) and Inés López Arteaga (Technical University Eindhoven).
2016 - Juan Pablo Parra Martínez. Multilayer system dynamics and waves in anisotropic poroelastic media. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Co-advisor with Peter Göransson (KTH) and Olivier Dazel (Université du Maine).
Master theses
2020 - Nicolas Auquier. Nearfield acoustic holography for structural damage detection. Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck.
2019 - Antoine Coutin. Acoustic and thermal modelling of muffler components.
Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck and Mansour Alkmim.
2019 - Riccardo Mutti. Strategies for improved reverberation time estimation.
Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck and Mansour Alkmim.
2019 - Valentin Bruniaux. Psychoacoustic modelling and evaluation of sound-absorbing partitions.
Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck and Mansour Alkmim.
2018 - Alexandre Gratton. Thermal modelling and acoustic characterisation of inhomogeneous waveguides.
Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck.
2017 - Arnaud Perdigon, Thibaud Le Scolan. Acoustic characterisation and extrapolation of inhomogeneous waveguides.
Siemens Industry Software, École des Mines d'Albi. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck.
2016 - Andrea Venanzoni. Video processing methods for motion and vibration analysis.
Siemens Industry Software, Università delle Marche, Ancona. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck.
2014 - Kevin Menino. Methods for sound absorption measurement of ground surfaces.
Siemens Industry Software, Université de Bourgogne. Co-supervisor with Laurent De Ryck.
2009 - Miguel Molerón. Acoustic black hole effect in beams and plates.
Université du Maine. Co-supervisor with François Gautier and Laurent Simon.
2009 - Julie Aka, Jean-Philippe Binet. Scattering and damping of flexural waves in plates.
Université du Maine. Co-supervisor with François Gautier and Laurent Simon.
2008 - Bo Lü, Mathieu Buzaré. Experimental study of the acoustic black hole effect.
Université du Maine. Co-supervisor with François Gautier and Laurent Simon.
2007 - Florent Le Courtois. Identification of vibrational rays by using space-wavenumber transforms.
Université du Maine. Co-supervisor with François Gautier and Laurent Simon.
2007 - Samuel Pinson. Design of acoustic black holes.
Université du Maine. Co-supervisor with François Gautier and Laurent Simon.
2020/11/26: Introduction to inverse methods for acoustic material characterisation. École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs du Mans (ENSIM), Le Mans.
2020/9/10-11: Fundamentals of acoustic imaging. ISAAC Course on Applied and Numerical Acoustics, KU Leuven.
2019/12/12: Introduction to inverse estimation methods and application to poroelastic materials. École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs du Mans (ENSIM), Le Mans.
2019/9/19-20: Fundamentals of acoustic imaging. ISAAC Course on Applied and Numerical Acoustics, KU Leuven.
2018/9/20-21: Fundamentals of acoustic imaging. ISAAC Course on Applied and Numerical Acoustics, KU Leuven.
2016/10/12-13: Characterisation and optimisation of porous materials. Workshop on "Passive Noise Control Technologies for Industrial Applications", Project TANGO (Thermoacoustic and Aeroacoustic Nonlinearities in Green combustors with Orifice structures), Marie Curie actions, EU FP7.
2012/3/22-23: Modelling mid-frequency vibrations using the image source method. Third short course on mid-frequency methods for vibrations and acoustics. Mid-Frequency project, Marie Curie actions, EU FP7.
University courses
Université du Maine - Bachelor of Science in acoustics, vibrations and signal processing (2006-2009)
Tutorials 1st year BSc: Vibrations, Signal processing, Electronics, Mathematics.
Lab sessions 2nd year BSc: Vibrations, Signal processing
Université du Maine, ENSIM school of engineering - Master of Science in engineering acoustics (2006-2009)
Tutorials 1st year MSc: Acoustics, Vibrations.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Master of Science in acoustics (2010)
Signal processing: lectures and lab sessions 1st year MSc.
Scientific Education
2006-2009: Doctorate of Philosophy, Acoustics. Wave models for the flexural vibrations of thin plates: Model of the vibrations of polygonal plates by the image source method, Vibration damping using the acoustic black hole effect. Université du Maine, Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine (LAUM) - Le Mans, France. Supervisors: François Gautier and Laurent Simon. Financial support: French Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
2004-2006: Master of Science, Mechanical and Acoustical Engineering. (Concentration in acoustics research). Université du Maine - Le Mans, France. Graduated with distinction.
2003-2004: Bachelor of Science, Physics. Université Paris VII Denis Diderot - Paris, France. Built a thermo-acoustic refrigerator. Graduated with distinction.
2001-2003: French Bachelor of Science and Technology, Vibrations, Acoustics and Signal processing (DEUST Vibrations, Acoustique, Signal). (Concentration in speech and professional audio). Université du Maine - Le Mans, France. Graduated with distinction.
2001: French Baccalaureate, Sciences. Lycée Paul Valéry - Cali, Colombia. Graduated with distinction.
Specialised Courses
2017: Experimental techniques for acoustic porous materials and metamaterials. DENORMS training school. Le Mans University, Le Mans, 4-6 December 2017.
2016: Sound waves in periodic structures, metamaterials and viscothermal fluids. DENORMS training school. Czech Technical University, Prague, 26-30 September 2016.
2014: Topology optimization of structures and continua. CISM, Udine, 9-13 June 2014.
2013: Fourth workshop on generic solvers for PDEs: FreeFem++ and its applications. Paris, 10-12 December 2013.
2013: Winter School on the Acoustics of Porous Materials. Lyon, 12-14 February 2013.
2011: Mid-frequency analysis of noise and vibration. St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 5-7 April 2011.
2010: Wave propagation in linear and non-linear periodic media: analysis and applications. CISM, Udine, 21-25 June 2010.
2010: Modelling and controlling smart structures. Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, 3-5 February 2010.
2007: Acoustical Imaging of Complex Media: Applications in Medicine, Seismology and Oceanography. Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, 15-20 October 2007.
2006: Mechanics of playing and making musical instruments. CISM, Udine, 17-21 July 2006.
Musical Education and activities
2012-present: Independent musician - Brussels, Belgium.
2011-2012: Harpsichordist - Southampton University Orchestra - Southampton, UK.
2011-2012: Harpsichord tuner - Southampton Philarmonic Choir, Southampton University Orchestra, Turner Sims Theatre - Southampton, UK.
2010-2011: Harpsichord studies - Professor: Cajsa Trepte - Stockholm, Sweden.
2008-2009: Harpsichordist and composer - Amateur baroque music ensemble Rondo Crannaziano - Le Mans, France.
2002-2007: French Certificate of Completion of Musical Studies (Certificat de Fin d'Études Musicales, CFEM). Graduated with distinction.
Regional Conservatory of Le Mans, France.
Completed studies in harpsichord, chamber music, solfege and music analysis. Also studied musical composition and history.
2001-2004: Piano studies - Schola Cantorum - Paris, France.
2000: Musical harmony studies - Alejandro Prieto Musical Academy - Cali, Colombia.
1998-2001: Electric guitar studies - Professor: Alexander Monroy - Cali, Colombia.
1990-2001: Piano studies - Professor: Lola Donskoy de Vaisman - Cali, Colombia.